The domain (S), is then represented by a piece of the plane which is delimited by the curve (/•'), curve (s'), and a piece of the abscissa between them, and we are concerned with determining the value of w at the point of intersection for given values of both for the former and the latter lines. [...] By dr and ds, I mean the changes in r and s in an element of the boundary, when the boundary is traversed in the direction which lies with respect to the direction toward the interior just as the positive direction along the curve (r) lies with respect to the positive direction along the curve (s); then this boundary integral is The integral along the entire boundary of S is equal to the sum of th. [...] The collisions of layers, simultaneously throughout the whole packet, changes the speed of the medium only by Aw at the points of contact, without affecting the speed of the centers of mass of the layers until the arrival of the rarefaction wave from the edges. [...] Further, we will write down the maximum compression in a some- what different form, which illustrates the weakening dependence of the maximum density on the initial conditions, as the density becomes higher: since in the given case, the thermodynamics, except for the density of the medium, is determined by the electronic properties of a completely degenerate Fermi-Dirac gas. [...] The unboundedness, in principle, of the values of (pR) achieved in the given scheme permit this scheme to be considered promising for the investigation of the possibilities of imitating stellar interior processes, in the spirit of Refs.