The views expressed in this report are those of the Research Team of this project and do not represent the views of the CPU and/or the Assessment Panel. [...] The review of the Ordinance requested by the Chief Executive should not exclude the possibility of separate asylum seeker and non- refoulement legislation that can make a clear statement of principle and process and is well understood and endorsed by all stakeholders in the community It is not always appropriate to use the same screening process with all asylum seeker applications. [...] Historically, much of the discourse related to refugees has been, and continues to be, related to humanitarian issues concerning the contexts from which refugees come, the conditions in which they seek to survive and their aspirations and hopes for the future. [...] After confirming the interviewees’ understanding of the purpose and nature of the interview and their willingness to be involved, the interviews proceeded to cover the topics listed in the interview questions. [...] The politicisation of refugee issues is now a key factor in Europe to the point where it played a major role in the so called “Brexit” (the withdrawal of the United Kingdom from the European Union) referendum and is a key part of the attraction of Europe’s resurgent right wing political parties.