cover image: Haiti-Environment: from the « Pearl of the Antilles » to desolation - Nancy Roc* Freelance journalist



Haiti-Environment: from the « Pearl of the Antilles » to desolation - Nancy Roc* Freelance journalist

23 Sep 2008

Haiti was once the richest French colony - the Pearl of the Antilles -but today it has been stripped of its resources: 98% of the national territory has been deforested, increasing the vulnerability of a population impoverished by years of dictatorship and violence. [...] The vulnerability of the population is very high, with 65% of the population living below the poverty threshold.7 5 3rd National Report of the Republic of Haiti on the implementation of the convention against the fi ght against desertifi cation, page 4, June 2006 6 Budget of the Republic, fi nancial year 2007-2008 7 3rd National Report of the Haiti Republic on the implementation of the convention. [...] Although the forces of order and stabilisation have dismantled the main gangs that controlled the large bidonvilles of Cité Soleil, Bel Air and Martissant; “the kidnappings, accompanied by the rape, torture and murder of children, have multiplied since the beginning of the year creating a climate of fear that causes graduates to fl ee and scares away investors”.12 The State’s non-management of spa. [...] Over 80% of the State’s budget depends on the international community and the little infrastructure that existed in Haiti has disappeared under the torrential waters of the four hurricanes that have hit the island since the beginning of the month. [...] To achieve this, the government needs to have the courage to take drastic measures, even if they are unpopular, such as combating uncontrolled building in the shantytowns and fi ghting against the mafi a who control the sandpits and the logging of pine trees in the national parks.
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Madrid, Spain