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A Cup of Gender Analysis with your Next Coffee

19 Sep 2014

Due to the legacy of the civil conflict in Colombia, many women landowners are making a mark in the export sector. [...] (About a quarter of the coffee grown in Huila and our project’s two other target regions - Cauca and Nariño - is produced on women-owned farms.) Second, these women were selected to participate in the workshops by the National Coffee Federation, so they had already somewhat made a name for themselves, and were part of a local or regional network. [...] In contrast to expecting something in return for their participation in our project, the farmers (men and women) both seemed intent on the intrinsic value of participating in our meetings and expressing their views. [...] One of the most memorable moments of the week, to my mind, was listening to some farmers congratulate a woman for her attendance at that day’s session - I later learned that she had 6 children and it was her first experience at a workshop of any kind. [...] In addition to knowing what not to talk about, it helps to know how to highlight the importance of the agenda you want to advance – and that people can speak in general terms instead of personal terms, so they don’t feel singled out.


Barbara MacLaren

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