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17 Sep 2014

NSI has partnered with the National Coffee Federation (the voice of Colombia’s coffee sector since 1927), and the Interdisciplinary Research Centre for Development Studies (CIDER) at the Universidad de los Andes, to deliver the current project, entitled “The Capacity to Act on Gender Equality in Colombia: A Fresh Look at the Coffee Export Sector”. [...] The workshop was geared at sensitizing members of the FNC’s staff about the importance of gender analysis in the coffee sector, which continues to be essential for rural livelihoods. [...] Three of the four areas of focus in the latter policy are being addressed by the CATRTA project: 1) the social sphere, 2) the economic sphere, and 3) the good governance sphere. [...] Aura Pérez de Betancourt who gained the presidency of FNC in 2007 - is a step in the right direction and has helped to substantiate the gender equality agenda within the union.1 FNC recently spearheaded numerous participatory committees for women (consejos participativos) and has expanded its work in support of local women’s associations in the sector (of which Colombia counts 86 at the time of wr. [...] --- Lina Arbelaez, Ministerial Advisor and Coordinator of the Labour Equity Division at the Ministry of Labour, concluded the proceedings of the gender workshop.


Melanie Charron

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