cover image: Copyright Afrobarometer

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Copyright Afrobarometer

28 Mar 2008

The Afrobarometer is a collaborative enterprise of the Centre for Democratic Development (CDD, Ghana), the Institute for Democracy in South Africa (IDASA), and the Institute for Empirical Research in Political Economy (IREEP) with support from Michigan State University (MSU) and the University of Cape Town, Center of Social Science Research (UCT/CSSR). [...] Sponsored jointly by the Center for the Study of African Economies (CSAE), Oxford University and the Afrobarometer, the survey was implemented by trained enumerators in all 8 provinces and in 76 out of Kenya’s 210 electoral constituencies.1 The nationally representative sample of adult Kenyans comprised 1207 respondents. [...] As Table 1 shows, the distribution of ethnic groups in the sample closely mirrors that of the population of Kenya. [...] In Kenya, as in other personalized polities in Africa, ordinary people often judge the fairness of the political system with reference to the ethnic character of the political elite. [...] With reference to the raw regression coefficients (B), we can see that the strongest effects of ethnicity are for people in the Kikuyu-Embu-Meru complex and the Luo and Kalenjin clans.
Published in
Port Elizabeth, South Africa
