cover image: HUMAN RIGHTS VIOLATIONS AGAINST WOMEN & TRUTH - COMMISSIONS. - Report prepared by Fungisai Maisva,

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6 Jul 2009

The Act did not make any specific reference to women, but the commission interpreted the provision to mean that special attention was needed for women and girls in light of the sexual violence that had been perpetrated against them.22 One of the terms of the agreement was for the establishment of a Truth and Reconciliation Commission to investigate and report 18 Issued by the Truth and Reconciliat. [...] Principles and concepts that guided the work of the Commission such as truth and truth telling, ‘just war’, and who constituted a ‘victim’ and ‘perpetrator’, were defined.24 There were many factors that contributed to the civil war, but the Commission came to the conclusion that years of bad governance, endemic corruption, the denial of basic human rights, the continued neglect of the wishes and n. [...] Women and girls in Sierra Leone continue to be victims of sexual violence and this is attributed to the inadequacy of the national laws of Sierra Leone to deal with the prosecutions of crimes of sexual violence, such as rape, sexual harassment and other forms of sexual abuse.28 Reparations The Commission proposed a reparations programme that would largely focus on rehabilitation of the victims thr. [...] Symbolic reparations in the form of memorials, commemorations ceremonies in the communities, the identification of mass graves and reburials were included as part of the reparations programme.38 The Special Court for Sierra Leone The Special Court for Sierra Leone was established after members of the Revolutionary United Front [RUF] violated their obligations under the Lome agreement.39 The Presid. [...] Current Status on the Implementation Despite the government of Sierra Leone’s commitment to a full and timely implementation of the recommendations of the reparations programme, subject to the state’s availability of resources and assistance of the international community, the government has not implemented them.
Published in
Port Elizabeth, South Africa