Continuing with the successful installation of the SHS, the target is to reach another 1.3 million in the next two years, requiring support from the Bank and other development partners. [...] After the systems are installed, the POs apply for re-financing from IDCOL for a portion of the microfinance they extended to the households. [...] The CFLs are procured by REB and are given to the distribution utilities and the rural cooperatives (Palli Biddyut Samities or PBSs) for distributing to the households in exchange for incandescent lamps. [...] Proposed Development Objective(s) Proposed Development Objective(s) (From PCN) The proposed project development objective is to increase access to modern, reliable energy by households and enterprises in rural areas through renewable energy and improve the response capacity of the borrower in case of an emergency. [...] Preliminary Description Concept Description In support of the vision of the Government of Bangladesh (GOB) of providing universal access to electricity by the year 2020, the proposed project would support the Solar Home Systems (SHS) and mini-grid options for providing access to electricity in areas where grid electricity is difficult, expensive, and will take years to reach.