cover image: Cuyahoga Community College Part-time Faculty Handbook 1997-1998.

Cuyahoga Community College Part-time Faculty Handbook 1997-1998.

This document begins with a preface/introduction, describes the college's mission and philosophy, and provides statements on its vision, affirmative action, diversity, and academic quality. The rest of the section discusses the college's policies and procedures. Main headings include academic calendar, academic freedom and responsibilities, academic probation or dismissal, Americans with Disabilities Act Policy, complaint procedure, computing access, disciplinary policy, discrimination complaints, drug-free schools and campuses policy, faculty evaluation, field trips, full- and part-time lecturers, grade dispute policy and procedure, grading system and policy, grievance policy and procedure, instructional fees as staff benefit, mandatory assessment and placement, sexual harassment policy, smoke-free policy and procedures, student conduct and honor code and honor code procedures, student records, and withdrawal policy. The second section consists of teaching tips and techniques. The final section includes campus procedures and support services. These are broken down into continuing and professional education, and eastern, metropolitan, and western campus. (YKH)


France, Richard E., Ed.

Authorizing Institution
Cuyahoga Community Coll., Cleveland, OH.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Guides - Non-Classroom
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents