Miller, Cynthia, Knox, Virginia, Gennetian, Lisa A., Dodoo, Martey, Hunter, Jo Anna, Redcross, Cindy
- Authorizing Institution
- Manpower Demonstration Research Corp., New York, NY.
- Laws Policies and Programs
- Aid to Families with Dependent Children
- Location
- Minnesota
- Peer Reviewed
- F
- Publication Type
- Reports - Evaluative
- Published in
- United States of America
- Sponsor
- ['Department of Health and Human Services, Washington, DC.', 'Minnesota State Dept. of Human Services, St. Paul.', 'Ford Foundation, New York, NY.', 'Department of Agriculture, Washington, DC.', 'Mott (C.S.) Foundation, Flint, MI.', 'Annie E. Casey Foundation, Baltimore, MD.', 'McKnight Foundation, Minneapolis, MN.', 'Northwest Area Foundation, St. Paul, MN.']
Table of Contents
- 103 96
- .... 114
- 1 67 146
- 174 153
- .... ..... 157
- 183 160
- 185 161
- 20 2 171
- 0. . 194
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- A 9 269
- 31 2 272
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- Recent Publications on MDRC Projects 324
- OARD OF DI 332
- CTORS 332
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- Recent Publications on MDRC Projects 561