cover image: NATO Symposium on the Evaluation and Planning of Interpersonal Telecommunications Systems. Final Report.

NATO Symposium on the Evaluation and Planning of Interpersonal Telecommunications Systems. Final Report.

Papers presented at this symposium are grouped into eight sections, including introductory overviews; the delivery of health care, education, and community services; contributions from the field of scientific and technical information; teleconferencing and computer conferencing services; new services; and communication processes at both the individual and the organizational levels. Each of these sections lists the papers presented, provides a brief summary of their contents, and summarizes points arising in their discussion. A final section provides slightly edited transcripts of the comments by four participants at the end of the symposium on the issues of policy and methodology which had been raised during the four days. Appendices list the names and addresses of the participants in the meeting, provide some results from an evaluation questionnaire distributed on the last day, outline the notes made on one of the sessions conducted as an audioconference with two speakers based in North America, and also provide a brief response by Herb Ohlman (World Health Organization) to a draft of discussion summaries. (Author/JEG)


Elton, Martin C. J.

Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America
National Science Foundation, Washington, DC.

Table of Contents