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Political Connections and Tariff Evasion Evidence from Tunisia

1 Jan 2017

Are politically connected firms more likely to evade taxes? This paper presents evidence suggesting firms owned by President Ben Ali and his family were more prone to evade import tariffs. During Ben Ali’s reign, evasion gaps, defined as the difference between the value of exports to Tunisia reported by partner countries and the value of imports reported at Tunisian customs, were correlated with the import share of connected firms. This association was especially strong for goods subject to high tariffs, and driven by underreporting of unit prices, which diminished after the revolution. Consistent with these product-level patterns, unit prices reported by connected firms were lower than those reported by other firms and declined faster with tariffs than those of other firms. Moreover, privatization to the Ben Ali family was associated with a reduction in reported unit prices, whereas privatization per se was not.
tax compliance abuse of power world customs organization import tax partner country state revenue political connections standard error risk averse import tariff source income 0 hypothesis customs official exchange rate fluctuation public sector specialist lack of transparency share of import trade flow descriptive statistic high tariff export value fixed effect tariff level source country import data negative coefficient goods for export unit price risk management practice increase tariff types of firms customs code import product export quantity customs revenue tariff rate soft budget constraint tariff data customs declaration import transaction price gap aggregate import import value international trade agreement import license classification of goods tax collection capacity import share log exports import of product effect of tariff cost and freight transportation and insurance suspension of import duty nontariff measure import regime port of destination loss of connection


Rijkers,Bob, Baghdadi,Leila, Raballand,Gael J. R. F.

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Doc Name
Political Connections and Tariff Evasion Evidence from Tunisia
Published in
United States of America
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
DECRG: Trade & Intl. Integration (DECTI)
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