cover image: Quo Vadis, Future Teachers? (Act Scores of Fall 1975 LSU Junior Division Education Majors Enrolled in the College of Education in Fall 1976). Research Report: v7, n2.

Quo Vadis, Future Teachers? (Act Scores of Fall 1975 LSU Junior Division Education Majors Enrolled in the College of Education in Fall 1976). Research Report: v7, n2.

The purpose of this study was to determine how many of the Junior Division students at the Baton Rouge Campus of Louisiana State University who had expressed an interest in majoring in education in 1975 had actually begun studies in 1976, had switched to other majors, or had not continued beyond the first year. Comparisons were made (1) between the American College Test (ACT) scores of students in the Junior Division in 1975 opting for education and the ACT scores of the Junior Division total population; (2) between the ACT scores of those who actually had enrolled in the College of Education and those who enrolled in other curriculum areas; and (3) between the ACT scores of students in various curriculum areas within the College of Education. Data from the study indicate that education majors enrolled in the Junior Division in fall 1975 who subsequently enrolled in the College of Education by fall 1976 had a mean ACT score (19.3) of 0.6 of a point above the 1975 national mean and 2.0 above the 1975 state mean. (MB)


Blackmon, C. Robert, Arceneaux, Tom E.

Authorizing Institution
Louisiana State Univ., Baton Rouge. Bureau of Educational Materials and Research.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America

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