cover image: Federal Funding of R & D Programs for Women's Educational Equity: Possible Sources in the Department of Labor and Other Agencies Outside HEW.

Federal Funding of R & D Programs for Women's Educational Equity: Possible Sources in the Department of Labor and Other Agencies Outside HEW.

There is a great need to examine factors limiting educational opportunities of women, especially minority and low income women. Thus, it is important to identify funding sources for research and development programs which enhance women's educational equity. Possible funding sources include the Department of Labor and other federal programs. In the labor department the greatest possibilities appear in the 1978 revised Comprehensive Employment and Training Act (CETA), which contains research, training, and evaluation provisions. Other potential funding sources are labor programs such as the Office of Youth Programs and the Work Incentive Program and labor agencies such as the Office of Policy, Evaluation, and Research and the Employment Standards Administration. For example, the Women's Bureau received a grant for a female Youth Program that includes efforts to achieve educational equity. In a funding search it is also important to examine resources such as project summaries and application guidelines published annually by the Employment and Training Administration's Research and Development Office and the "Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance" published by the Office of Management and Budget. Finally, it is useful to look outside large cabinet departments and into agencies such as the National Endowment for the Arts and to look at legislation containing anti-sex discrimination provisions. (CSS)


Herman, Alexis M.

Authorizing Institution
Department of Labor, Washington, DC.
Laws Policies and Programs
Comprehensive Employment and Training Act
United States
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
['Guides - Non-Classroom', 'Speeches/Meeting Papers']
Published in
United States of America

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