cover image: Invitational Testing Seminars for Non-Educators. Final Report.

Invitational Testing Seminars for Non-Educators. Final Report.

The purpose of this project was to provide information on the appropriate uses of educational tests and interpretations of test results to citizen groups. The major audiences were parents, legislators, school board members, lawyers, journalists and others who would be interested in and profit from training related to educational testing. Nero and Associates, Inc., together with the Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory and the California Department of Education, arranged, designed and conducted five seminars/workshops for groups and organizations representing the above audiences. The format and specific content for each seminar/workshop was developed in collaboration with representatives from each group. For example, lawyers were involved in designing the workshop for attorneys to insure that the information presented would address issues of concern to that group. Staff from the National Institute of Education worked with the contractor to establish the workshop agendas and identify the key groups. The workshops were held from April 1980 through September 1980. The work resulted in a set of training materials which can be used by measurement specialists to train citizen groups. The materials are available through NIE. (Author/RL)
Authorizing Institution
Nero and Associates, Inc., Portland, OR.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Descriptive
Published in
United States of America
National Inst. of Education (ED), Washington, DC.

Table of Contents