cover image: Needs Assessment Project: Factor Analytic Studies.

Needs Assessment Project: Factor Analytic Studies.

Data collected by the Appalachia Educational Laboratory (AEL) in its 1980 Needs Assessment Project was reduced to eight marker variables for use in subsequent individual state factor analyses. These variables concern (1) high need family situations; (2) effective career education/guidance; (3) increased school capacity for working with families; (4) experiential approaches to develop life coping skills; (5) reliable and useful resources relative to career decisions; (6) verification that school programs for parents actually work; (7) schools to counteract sex-role stereotyping in instruction; and (8) attention to non-formal learning. This document provides detailed results of the individual state analyses, showing that variables no. 2 and no. 5 occurred most frequently. The analysis of the marker variables served to substantiate the AEL decision to direct staff effort and fiscal support in two R&D areas (Career Development/Lifelong Learning and School/Family Relations). Basic Skills research, while originally listed as an important area in all seven states, did not surface as a common factor in the seven. The situations are described, and preferred situations are listed for needs areas of the seven states. (Author/CE)


Shively, Joe E., Holcomb, Zelda J.

Authorizing Institution
Appalachia Educational Lab., Charleston, WV.
['Alabama', 'Kentucky', 'Ohio', 'Pennsylvania', 'Tennessee', 'Virginia', 'West Virginia']
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Evaluative
Published in
United States of America
National Inst. of Education (ED), Washington, DC.

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