cover image: D.C. Schools Training Center for Open Space Schools: Adoption Project. Interim/Final Report.

D.C. Schools Training Center for Open Space Schools: Adoption Project. Interim/Final Report.

Four evaluation instruments were used to assess the impact of inservice and preservice training in open education techniques experienced by four teacher groups. The Semantic Differential Scale was used to determine teacher attitudes on the concepts of behavior modification, team teaching approach, parental involvement, self-contained classrooms, open space, evaluation, and inservice training. A 50-item questionnaire was administered to ascertain teacher perceptions of openness. A third instrument was used to rate open space facilities and obtain suggestions for improvement. The final item was a team teaching survey. Analysis of the data is presented by each instrument followed by findings, conclusions, and recommendations. (MLF)
Authorizing Institution
['District of Columbia Public Schools, Washington, DC. Dept. of Research and Evaluation.', 'Commonwealth Learning, Inc., Alexandria, VA.']
Laws Policies and Programs
Elementary and Secondary Education Act Title III
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America
Bureau of Elementary and Secondary Education (DHEW/OE), Washington, DC.

Table of Contents