cover image: Research in Remedial Guidance of Young Retarded Children With Behavior Problems Which Interfere With Academic Learning and Adjustment. Final Report.

Research in Remedial Guidance of Young Retarded Children With Behavior Problems Which Interfere With Academic Learning and Adjustment. Final Report.

A 4-year research project developed a preschool program for exceptional children unable to attend public school but not needing to be institutionalized on the basis of empirical behavioral principles. Children were referred from agencies and most had already unsuccessfully used special school services. The average age was 5-5 years, average IQ was 83, and average mental age 4-3 years; scores on the Wide Range Achievement Test averaged early kindergarten level. Utilizing special features in the physical plant, curriculum, and operation of the school, behavioral principles were applied to weaken behaviors interfering with academic learning and to strengthen desirable social and intellectual behaviors. Reading, writing, and arithmetic programs were developed as well as procedures for maintaining motivation for learning. Specific techniques were applied to modify the behavior of aggressive, shy, and speech deficient children. Investigators worked with parents at home, and the parents supplemented the nursery program. Objectives and procedures of a teacher training program are specified; a bibliography with 23 entries, a list of 10 publications resulting from this research, samples of program studies from the first 2 years, case studies, and eight figures are included. (Author/SN)


Bijou, Sidney W.

Authorizing Institution
Illinois Univ., Urbana.
Peer Reviewed
Published in
United States of America
Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC. Bureau of Research.

Table of Contents