cover image: Educational Change in Rural America. An Interim Report to the Experimental Schools Program.

Educational Change in Rural America. An Interim Report to the Experimental Schools Program.

Covering the first 3 years of the Experimental Schools (ES) 6-year program (begun in 1971), this interim report presents: the conceptual design of the ES program; the 10 rural project sites and the 18 comparative school districts; the educational changes proposed by the ES projects; and the comprehensive evaluation design. Data presented on the research progress suggest: (1) the ES districts are indicative of a changing rural America that is less dependent upon farming and more economically diverse; (2) factors contributing to program readiness are social forces external to the school system, recognition in the system of unmet needs, experience in Federal programs, and administrative commitment to change; (3) factors contributing to project initiation are broad-based participation and influence, independence from extensive ES influence, school district acceptance of the project, and congruence between locally identified problems and project goals; (4) factors influencing quick implementation are expanding economy; high median family income; large, homogeneous, and geographically concentrated population; easy access to urban areas; and community satisfaction with community life; (5) influential organizational characteristics are experienced faculty, strong administrative leadership, teacher/administrator readiness for change, access to new educational ideas, coordination of teacher planning activities, and past experience with systematic educational change. (JC)


Kane, Michael B.

Authorizing Institution
Abt Associates, Inc., Cambridge, MA.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America
National Inst. of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC. Finance and Productivity Group. Experimental Schools Div.

Table of Contents