cover image: Demography and Environment Earth: Teacher Edition.

Demography and Environment Earth: Teacher Edition.

This document is one in a series of instructional materials on population education developed for the Baltimore public schools. The unit, designed for elementary grades 5 and 6, focuses on demography and human factors and consequences. The first part of the resource unit presents basic information, methodology, and understandings of demography and population growth. Extensive use is made of charts and graphs and mathematics to present the problems surrounding population trends. The second section introduces the human element of population growth and possible consequences of overpopulation. The focus is on the implications of population growth for the society, individual, and earth which are seen as interrelated concepts. Each episode in the unit contains the topic, objectives, materials needed, discussion, and activities. This unit may be taught as a whole, or specific topics within the unit may be taught separately. (Author/JR)


McCrea, Lester C., And Others

Authorizing Institution
Baltimore City Public Schools, MD. Urban Life-Population Education Inst.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Guides - General
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents