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Vietnam : Enhancing enterprise competitiveness and SME linkages – lessons from international and national experience

1 Jan 2017

Boosting productivity growth, especially that of the domestic private sector, is a key priority of Vietnam. The country has been successful in attracting foreign direct investment (FDI) and entering global value chains (GVCs). Most local firms, however, are small and only serve the domestic markets. FDI has brought enormous gains to Vietnam in terms of growth, exports and jobs, but has been less stellar in developing linkages with the domestic economy. This is reflected in low domestic value addition and a weak supplier base in Vietnam. With increasing global competition, and its ambition to move up the value chain, Vietnam has a unique window of opportunity to exploit its current position in GVCs.
access to finance foreign direct investment global value chain intellectual property rights total factor productivity private sector involvement growth and development trade and investment policy international good practice machinery and equipment monitoring and evaluation system trade and services government support program credit guarantee fund private sector solution support sme total labor force service and infrastructure labor market regulation domestic private sector business development service diversification of export business environment constraints innovation and productivity transfer of technology private sector job competitive private sector lack of competitiveness sme support program trade and competitiveness supply chain linkage capital per worker program for enterprise technology development and transfer technology need higher value added investment climate issue annual export growth establishment of linkages investment climate constraint diffusion of knowledge


Akhlaque,Asya, Ong Lopez,Anne Beline Chua, Coste,Antoine

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Doc Name
Vietnam : Enhancing enterprise competitiveness and SME linkages – lessons from international and national experience
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United States of America
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
Fin, Comp & Innov - EAP 2 (GFCPS)
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