cover image: Secondary Alternatives in SEA: An Inquiry Into Parents' Choice Making Process.

Secondary Alternatives in SEA: An Inquiry Into Parents' Choice Making Process.

This report is complementary to one on student choice-making. Both were done because of an interest in the recent growth in the number of secondary alternatives in the Southeast Alternatives project. There were two principal reasons for investigating parent opinions about the school programs: to find out how parents felt about the choices available at the secondary level and to find out if these opinions differed from students' opinions. The report has three sections. The first deals with the background of the parents, the second with parents' reactions to the alternative chosen by their child, and the last with parents' attitudes toward school and learning in general. The data are very similar to that collected in the student interviews; however parents seem to be more dissatisfied with the amount students are learning than the students are. Also, the parents of female children express more positive feelings toward competition. The data from the parent questionnaire are biased in the direction of parents with professional jobs. Further, the sample size is quite small in some instances and this makes the data somewhat unreliable. Credibility is given to these data because they so closely resemble the student responses. (Author/IRT)


Gray-Feiss, Katherine

Authorizing Institution
Minneapolis Public Schools, Minn. Southeast Alternatives Program.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Reports - Research
Published in
United States of America
National Inst. of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC.

Table of Contents