cover image: Capital flight and violent conflict : a review of the literature


Capital flight and violent conflict : a review of the literature

1 Apr 2010

This paper reviews the literature on capital flight and violent conflict to attempt to answer the following questions. What happens to capital flight before, during, and after violent conflict? What are the implications for economic recovery from conflict? Broadly speaking, capital flight refers to outflows of private capital from developing countries. However, while economists generally agree that capital flight could be deleterious to economic development, they do not agree on the definition of the phenomenon. The lack of consensus stems in part from the fact that capital flight is unobservable and has to be estimated. A wide range of approaches to estimating capital flight have been proposed. Many measures estimate capital flight as the residual between an economy's sources and uses of foreign exchange. Differences arise as to what constitutes sources and uses of foreign exchange. Violent conflict enters the portfolio-choice framework directly as a factor that could increase the riskiness of the domestic environment, reducing risk-adjusted expected return, and thereby inducing capital flight. The effect of conflict on capital flight is likely to depend on a number of factors such as the nature, intensity and duration of the conflict.
inflation armed conflict capital flight economic growth social cohesion private sector development world violent conflict macroeconomics and economic growth the world region law and development finance and financial sector development social conflict and violence economic theory & research industrial economics conflict and violence political violence and civil war political violence and war agriculture, fishing and forestry,public administration,industry, trade and serv other agriculture, fishing and forestry,sub-national government,other industry,t


Davies, Victor A.B.

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Capital flight and violent conflict : a review of the literature
Product Line
World Development Report
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
1W-Wdr 2011: The Fragile States -- P117456
Series Name
World Development Report background papers ; 2011
TF No/Name
TF096413-2011 World Development Report - Conflict and Development,TF096461-BNPP: FRAGILITY AND CONFLICT - 2011 WORLD DEVELOPMENT REPORT ON CONFLIC,TF096467-KCP II - 2011 World Development Report on Conflict and Development,TF096535-BNPP-FRAGILITY & CONFLICT: 2011 WORLD DEVELOPMENT REPORT ON CONFLICT AN
Analysis of economic growth,Urban services and housing for the poor,Other rural development,Infrastructure services for private sector development,Decentralization
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
World Development Report (DECWD),Office of the Vice President (ECRVP)
Version Type
Volume No


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