cover image: Climate change and urban water utilities : challenges and opportunities


Climate change and urban water utilities : challenges and opportunities

1 Apr 2010

This report is part of a larger World Bank effort that seeks to provide analytical and strategic assistance to Bank staff and utilities in client countries as they begin to consider the implications of climate change on water resources. The key objectives of this document are to: 1) improve understanding and awareness of the operational implications of climate change on the provision of water and wastewater services by urban utilities; 2) present adaptation actions conducted at the utility level for inspiration; 3) establish an analytical framework to assist Bank staff and client countries' utility managers to identify and prioritize potential climate change adaptation measures; and 4) assess the feasibility of implementing adaptation measures based on a set of criteria. This report is structured as follows: chapter one provides an overview of the role that climate change will have on urban water utilities and highlights the often competing priorities that water managers are faced with in developing countries; chapter two describes the relationship between climate change and water resources as they influence water service provision; chapter three presents a framework for analysis of vulnerability and adaptive capacity of water providers; and chapters four presents a framework for adaptation actions. Annexes contain detailed graphs and statistics taken from the international workshop held in Madrid, Spain in January of 2009 and utility specific case studies which are highlighted throughout the report.
water resource water scarcity water utilities global climate model climate action plan impact of climate change water supply system extreme weather event urban water utility risk of damage effect of climate change water resource development exposure to climate change impact of temperature water utility water conservation measures errors and omission urban water supply and sanitation climate vulnerability assessment water resource planning rate of climate change rate of population growth climate change adaptation measures renewable water resource climate change challenge water from river abundant water resource long term planning national water utility storm water management water service provision impact on performance vulnerability to climate variability infrastructure investment program urban water management implications of climate change municipal water utility economic water urban climate change climate change planning municipal water and wastewater analysis of vulnerability


Danilenko, Alexander, Dickson, Eric, Jacobsen, Michael

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Climate change and urban water utilities : challenges and opportunities
Published in
United States of America
Series Name
Water working notes ; note no. 24
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
Urban Dev. & Services Prac 1 (AFTU1)
Version Type
Volume No
