cover image: Understanding the impact of climate change on hydropower : the case of Cameroon - climate risk assessment for hydropower generation in Cameroon


Understanding the impact of climate change on hydropower : the case of Cameroon - climate risk assessment for hydropower generation in Cameroon

27 Apr 2014

The Africa energy unit (AFTEG) of the World Bank has obtained financing from the trust fund for environmentally and socially sustainable development (TFESSD) funded by Finland and Norway for work towards understanding the impact of climate change on hydropower: the case of Cameroon. The development objective of this activity is: (i) to develop tools for assessing climate change impacts on the operation of hydraulic infrastructure such as regulating dams and hydropower plants in the Sanaga river basin, and (ii) to take steps towards an institutional framework for climate resilient water resources management in Cameroon. The aim of this initiative is to build resilience to climate risks into water management in general and hydropower development in Cameroon in particular. The study includes three components: (i) develop suitable climate change scenarios for the Sanaga basin, support the electricity development corporation (EDC) of Cameroon to develop a reliable hydrological model for the Sanaga river basin, and derive climate change impacts on the potential generation capacity in the Sanaga basin in the context of changing hydrology; (ii) assess the impact of climate change on the future operation of Lom Pangar dam and three other regulating dams in the Sanaga basin and support the establishment of an operational regime of hydraulic infrastructures in the Sanaga river basin, in a consultative manner with water users and taking into account equitable sharing of resources between users and environmental flows; and (iii) assess future impacts of climate change on water resources availability and management in Cameroon. This assessment also aims to provide an analytical base for increased dialogue on climate variability and change and on integrated management of water resources in Cameroon. The assessment will identify information and knowledge gaps and priorities for future studies and activities.
water resource management adaptation to climate change coefficient of variation industrial water supply impact of climate change climate change scenario water and energy parameter of interest change in precipitation consequence of climate change resilience to climate risk average annual rainfall water resource availability worst case scenario water resource system increase in temperature annual mean temperature response to climate change climate risk assessment future climate change impact on water resource regional climate model paucity of data main river basin annual runoff terms of performance variation in climate assessment of climate change impact water use for irrigation analysis of climate change climate change impact assessment crop water requirement uncertainty in climate projections uncertainty in climate change projections average annual runoff diurnal temperature range normal probability distribution function seasonal storage capacity future risks of climate change


Grijsen, Johan, Patel, Hrishi

Disclosure Date
Disclosure Status
Doc Name
Understanding the impact of climate change on hydropower : the case of Cameroon - climate risk assessment for hydropower generation in Cameroon
Product Line
Published in
United States of America
Rel Proj ID
CM-- Lom Pangar Hydropower Proj. (Fy12) -- P114077
TF No/Name
TF098624-FY11 - Understanding the Impact of Climate Change on Hydropower
Other environment and natural resources management,Public expenditure, financial management and procurement,Rural services and infrastructure,Income Support for Old Age, Disability & Survivorship,Water resource management
Total Volume(s)
Unit Owning
Energy Practice 2 (AFTG2)
Version Type
White cover
Volume No
