cover image: Indian youth Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention Act Committee on Education and Labor Report to Accompany H.R. 1156. House of Representatives, Ninety-Ninth Congress, Second Session.

Indian youth Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention Act Committee on Education and Labor Report to Accompany H.R. 1156. House of Representatives, Ninety-Ninth Congress, Second Session.

This document presents a report from the House of Representatives Committee on Education and Labor concerning H.R. 1156, The Indian Youth Alcohol and Substance Abuse Prevention Act. An amended version of the bill, which was proposed to coordinate and expand services for the prevention, identification, treatment, and follow-up care of alcohol and drug abuse among Indian youth, is included. The six titles of the bill are presented as being concerned with: (1) inter-departmental agreement and coordination of services; (2) education; (3) family and social services; (4) law enforcement; (5) Indian youth alcohol and substance abuse treatment and rehabilitation; and (6) definition of terms. Other sections of this report discuss a summary of the legislation, the legislative history of the bill, and the need for the legislation and provisions of the bill. An explanation of each title of the bill is provided and committee recommendations are given. Oversight, cost estimate, and inflationary impact of the bill are considered and a section-by-section analysis of H.R. 1156 is provided. Finally, changes in existing law made by the bill are reported, specifically changes in the Indian Elementary and Secondary School Assistance Act, the Indian Education Act, the Adult Education Act, and the Education Amendments of 1978. (NB)
Authorizing Institution
Congress of the U.S., Washington, DC. House Committee on Education and Labor.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Legal/Legislative/Regulatory Materials
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents