cover image: Report on the First Five Years of Operation (Spring 1967 through Spring 1971) of the Outdoor and Environmental Education Program in Billings, Montana.

Report on the First Five Years of Operation (Spring 1967 through Spring 1971) of the Outdoor and Environmental Education Program in Billings, Montana.

The purposes of this report, prepared for a school board, are to give a brief statement of the need for environmental education, then to present a summary of the objectives, content, curriculum, financing, management, and history of the program cooperatively developed by a college and school district in Montana. This program in the first five years of its operation has been a totally locally developed project, and has been completely funded by the P.T.A.'s of the participating schools. It has grown from involving one sixth-grade classroom camping out in 1967 to 33 sixth grade classrooms in 1971. The environmental problems in Montana which need instruction are: air pollution, water problems, urbanization and land use. The significant role of the school system in these problems is to help young people understand their total environment, help them learn how to find out about the essential ingredients of problems, and, lastly, help them develop the attitudes and abilities that lead to responsible citizenship exercised in actions toward solving problems. (Author/AWW)
Authorizing Institution
['Billings School District 2, MT.', 'Eastern Montana Coll., Billings.']
Peer Reviewed
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents