cover image: Specification Worksheets for Language Arts Behaviors.

Specification Worksheets for Language Arts Behaviors.

This bulletin is one of four containing reprints of working papers used in developing the teacher performance specifications for the Georgia educational model for the preparation of elementary school teachers (ED 025 491). "Teacher performance specifications" are defined as descriptions of behaviors regarded by the Georgia study as essential characteristics (skills, attitudes, knowledge, etc.) for teachers if they are to adequately fulfill their professional obligation. An introductory section describes procedures which were used to obtain the specifications from three sources: desired pupil behaviors, established educational principles, and observation of teachers on-the-job. The worksheets for language arts behaviors include 12 basic objectives for the elementary school language listening program, 11 for the oral language program (speech), 11 for the reading program, and ten for the composition program. Listed under each of the 44 objectives are several pupil learning behaviors, teaching behaviors, and the suggested specifications for a teacher education program. (JS)


Shearron, Gilbert F., Johnson, Charles E.

Authorizing Institution
Georgia Univ., Athens. Coll. of Education.
Peer Reviewed
Published in
United States of America
Office of Education (DHEW), Washington, DC. Bureau of Research.

Table of Contents