cover image: Stimulating Change in Instructional Systems Through New Evaluation Techniques.

Stimulating Change in Instructional Systems Through New Evaluation Techniques.

Many new educational alternatives are being introduced and new methods of assessing their validity have become necessary. One of these new methods, Comprehensive Achievement Monitoring (CAM), designed to monitor the effects of educational innovation, may also be used to stimulate change in the classroom. Traditional classroom testing frequently does not detect possible incongruencies between the teacher's expectations and the students' performance. CAM methodology, however, provides for gathering information about both pre- and post-instruction achievement together with systematic monitoring during the course, all directly related to course objectives. The teacher is offered several types of information which can be used to identify discrepancies between expected achievement and actual performance and thus provide a motivation to change. Specific definition of expectations, both implicit and explicit, and specific information about performance, as provided by CAM, are essential. Without them the influence on the teacher to change will be slight. (DG)


Allen, Dwight W.

Peer Reviewed
Published in
United States of America
Massachusetts Univ., Amherst. School of Education.

Table of Contents