cover image: Best Practices for Enduring Conservation  - with a summary of a


Best Practices for Enduring Conservation - with a summary of a

15 Jul 2018

biodiversity and the conservation of the ecological The grantmaking strategy also valued preserving integrity of the North American West, landscape- core areas of outstanding conservation value as well scale protection, and resilience to climate change. [...] as intact corridors connecting the core areas, which For the purposes of the Western Conservation would allow for seasonal migrations of wide- grantmaking strategy, Hewlett chose to adopt the ranging species and longer-term shifts in species EPA Level III ecoregions3 in 2009, of which there are distributions in response to climate change and 53 across the West. [...] Congress of new Eastern Interior in Alaska, created and defended Wilderness areas, new off-road vehicle protections, the BLM methane rule, and supported the Interior and the advancement of sustainable forestry on Department’s (short-lived) review of the federal lands managed by the Bureau of Land Management coal leasing program. [...] Dam, restoring the Eklutna River in Alaska for the economic and cultural benefit of the Eklutna Native We asked grantees about the importance of a wide community, the Beeson-Robison Dam on Wagner range of tactics that include (but are not limited to) Creek – a tributary in the Rogue River Basin in developing coalitions, crafting the narrative, writing Oregon, and two small dams on a tributary in t. [...] were employed, there was mutual dedication to the mission, a willingness to share credit, and a history In the last year, the Administration shrunk the new of mutual respect.


Hovland Consulting; Val Hovland

Published in
United States of America