cover image: STEPS Centre statement on harassment and discrimination Our zero-tolerance policy What does this mean in terms of behaviour?


STEPS Centre statement on harassment and discrimination Our zero-tolerance policy What does this mean in terms of behaviour?

1 Oct 2018

STEPS Centre statement on harassment and discrimination The annual STEPS Summer School brings together people from around the world with diverse backgrounds and institutional cultures with a variety of lived and professional experiences and identities. [...] To this end, we want to make sure that everybody who is invited to participate in the Summer School has a clear understanding of expectations for behaviour, in organised activities, during social outings and after-hours. [...] This includes making clear from the outset our zero- tolerance policy on harassment and what constitutes it, and making sure that participants have the information that they need to be safe and, if necessary, to confidentially report and discuss problems at all times during their stay in Brighton. [...] Our zero-tolerance policy The STEPS Centre and IDS have a zero-tolerance stance against all forms of harassment, bullying and discrimination, abuse, intimidation or exploitation on the basis of, but not limited to, age, race/ethnicity, gender, gender self-identity and gender re-assignment, sexual orientation, class/caste, disability, pregnancy and maternity, marriage and civil partnership, religio. [...] Expectations for professionalism and respect do not end with the workday; they apply in all interactions and communications, from email and social media to social events to shared living spaces.


amber huff

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United Kingdom