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Centre for Policy Studies - CPS NEWS - COMSATS University Islamabad - November 2018

27 Dec 2018

Centre for Policy Studies CPS NEWS COMSATS University Islamabad November 2018 What is inside: CPS Seminar on “The Rohingya Issue: Be- • Seminar on “The Rohingya Issue: Between the Binds of Policy and the tween the Binds of Policy and the Bounds Bounds of Humanity.” of Humanity.” Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), CUI, Islamabad Campus organized a Seminar on “The Rohingya Issue: Between the Binds of. [...] The Aim of the seminar was to share cross-sector and • CPS Meeting to discuss the issue related to Migration and multidisciplinary knowledge about the important issue of the statelessness Rohingya through academic, civil society members and other policy influences and promote an understanding of this complex and internationally important issue among students and faculty members of CUI, Islamabad. [...] CPS Seminar on “The Rohingya Issue: Between the Binds of Policy and the Bounds of Humanity.” Centre for Policy Studies (CPS), CUI, Islamabad Campus organized a Seminar on “The Rohingya Issue: Between the Binds of Policy and the Bounds of Humanity” on Tuesday November 27, 2018 at BIC 1st Floor from 2 pm to 4:30 pm. [...] The Aim of the seminar was to share cross-sector and multidisciplinary knowledge about the important issue of the Rohingya through academic, civil society members and other policy influences and promote an understanding of this complex and internationally important issue among students and faculty members of CUI, Islamabad. [...] The students later went on to attend the CPS seminar on “The Rohingya Issue: Between the Binds of Policy and the Bounds of Humanity” at BIC, CUI.


Raheel Zahid

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