cover image: Centre for Policy Studies - CPS NEWS - COMSATS University Islamabad - October 2018


Centre for Policy Studies - CPS NEWS - COMSATS University Islamabad - October 2018

3 Dec 2018

The purpose of this conference was to contex- tualize the macro- and micro-political forces which shape the conceptualization and practice of critical thinking, and their implications on education for democ- racy. [...] Upcoming Event The plight of the Rohingya of Myanmar has attracted a lot of global attention from both the public in general and policy makers. [...] The recent spate of violence, which began in Septem- ber 2017, is extreme both in terms of the nature of the injustice (destruction of property, rapes, forced displacement, mur- der) and in terms of the numbers adversely affected (estimated to be between 700,000 and a million). [...] CPS is planning to invite experts for this seminar including representatives from UNHCR, SAFRON, NDMA and academics to discuss the issues of the Rohingya in the international and national perspective. [...] About CPS The Centre for Policy Studies (CPS) aims at bridging the gap between academia, research and the public policy making processes.


Raheel Zahid

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