Research Report


Research Report

17 Mar 2021

The missions of The Habibie Center are first, to establish a structurally and culturally democratic society that recognizes, respects, and promotes human rights by undertaking study and advocacy of issues related to democratization and human rights, and second, to increase the effectiveness of the management of human resources and the spread of technology. [...] The Dynamics of Democracy During the COVID-19 Pandemic at the Societal Level 11 Cases of Intolerance During the Pandemic 13 The Pandemic Amplifies Previous Instances of Intolerance Which Occurred Long Before the Pandemic 16 THREAT DYNAMICS AND MEASURES AGAINST VIOLENT EXTREMISM DURING THE COVID-19 PANDEMIC 17 A. [...] Such tendency is the United Kingdom in May 2020, which attempts to depicted by the imposition of new regulations intended anticipate potential repercussions from and possible to expand the authority of the executive branch, narrow responses to the pandemic against the backdrop of the available spaces for supervision on governments, recruitments and radicalization by violent extremist enforce emerg. [...] Democracy..” opment Studies 4 Pandemic, Democracy, and Violent Extremism in Indonesia The Habibie Center 5 The Dynamics of Democracy During the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia 6 Pandemic, Democracy, and Violent Extremism in Indonesia The Dynamics of Democracy Similar approaches were also taken by governors of During the COVID-19 Pandemic the West Java Province, Ridwan Kamil, and the Central in Indo. [...] On the other hand, the research activities to seek the cure for COVID-19.42 As pandemic has also amplified the surge of intolerance in the pandemic is perceived as a threat to human security, the society.
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