cover image: Curriculum Commission Report: Yearbook's Place in the Curriculum.

Curriculum Commission Report: Yearbook's Place in the Curriculum.

Noting that the students participating on a typical yearbook staff must develop their expertise in such areas as writing, art and design, leadership, business, and group dynamics in a highly realistic job-oriented situation, this paper suggests that yearbook production should be an accredited course in the high school curriculum, with an experienced full time adviser. The paper contains a series of outlines on yearbook production that provide the following information for a new yearbook adviser: (1) a course description for a yearbook journalism class; (2) guidelines on yearbook layout and styles, theme development, caption writing, and sports coverage; (3) suggestions for grading the yearbook staff; (4) methods for indexing the yearbook; and (5) information on sales and developing salesmanship. (HTH)
Authorizing Institution
Journalism Education Association.
Peer Reviewed
Publication Type
Guides - Classroom - Teacher
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents