cover image: Resident Satisfaction with Public Services in Nonmetropolitan  Illinois: Implications for Resource A


Resident Satisfaction with Public Services in Nonmetropolitan  Illinois: Implications for Resource A

6 Nov 2019

From Satisfaction with public services = the sum a resident’s viewpoint if the motive for of perceptions about performance of public living in the community (for example, low service i cost) is attained through benefits experienced in the community (for example, low-cost housing and public 2.2 Resource Allocation transportation), then satisfaction with the Although scholars and practitioners commu. [...] The more features the object shares with our mental Consider the following conceptualization representation of “clean road”, the more that relates satisfaction with public service likely we would consider the object a clean i (Si) as a function of expenditure on public road. [...] Of all the cities such that, ∑? ? ? ? =1 ? ? ? ? = 1; ? ? ? ? expressed as a that the resident is aware of if city A is proportion of the total. [...] The distribution of error term in a regression study can serve as an σ2 = K2(1 – ? ? −? ? ? ? ? ? (S ? ? i) i ) 2 ? ? 2(? ? ? ? ) estimate of such probabilities provided that for i = 1, …., n (6) the model is correctly specified and the error-terms of satisfaction in various where E(Zi) is the expected value of the public-service categories are uncorrelated. [...] satisfaction since Si approaches Ki as Pi becomes very large; Ci > 0 is the rate at Having highlighted the inputs needed to which satisfaction reaches the upper limit calibrate the resource-allocation model, we in response to increases in public-service 3 3.0 Data for Analysis Public service expenditure data were gathered using publications from the next describe the data used in the Illinois Comp.
Published in
United States of America
