The water productivity of livestock products in Nebraska 34 Trends in livestock production and productivity 35 Improvements in the water productivity of livestock products 37 Difference in the water productivity of livestock products 37 Comparison of the WP of beef in Nebraska and other selected states 39 7. [...] The detailed content of sections 4-7 (WP The purpose of the current Nebraska Water indicators, the WP of crops, WP of livestock products, Productivity Report (NWPR) is to assess the water and the water, energy, and carbon footprints of productivity of crop and livestock production, as well as ethanol) are, or will be, submitted to scientific journals the water, energy and carbon footprint of ethan. [...] Photo: Derrald Farnsworth-Livingston | Journey of Light Photography 18 Water productivity of livestock products The water, energy, and carbon footprint of Livestock water productivity is defined as the ratio of ethanol benefit generated from livestock products and services The WF of ethanol from corn and sugarcane is the sum to the total green and blue water consumed (Peden of the water used in cr. [...] The water footprint and in the production of ethanol at the processing (WF) of a live animal is estimated as the sum of the plant. [...] 27 Water productivity of corn and soybeans in Nebraska: temporal and spatial dimension Benchmark values for the WP of corn and the WP of both crops due to differences in climate, soil soybean and water management, planting date, and duration The relationship between corn and soybean yield and of the growing period.
- Pages
- 52
- Published in
- United States of America