cover image: PAREMIA Partnerships for Ambitious Resilience and Mitigation Action


PAREMIA Partnerships for Ambitious Resilience and Mitigation Action

14 May 2021

In order to determine the resilience policy rating, the following questions were addressed in interviews: ■ How would you rate existing policies in terms of acknowledging the need for adaptation to and dealing with the unavoidable consequences of climate change? ■ How would you rate existing policies (sectoral and cross-sectoral) in terms of providing an ade- quate and fitting response to the chal. [...] For those countries not included in the CCPI, it is beyond the scope and capabilities of this project to in- clude the level of implementation of specific policies in the analysis of climate policy performance in the same depth as CCPI-countries. [...] Floods and landslides due to heavy rainfall events continue to be a recurring threat, most recently in the shape of flash flooding and landslides in the same region in 2020.[151] For the period of 2000 to 2019, the country scores 153 on Germanwatch’s Global Climate Risk Index, and ranks 129 for the events of the year 2019. [...] With a population of over 270 e P erfo ien c rm million, it is the 4th most populous country in il a the world.[162] Half of the population is con- centrated on the island Java, and despite the large number of inhabitants Indonesia has areas with some of the highest levels of biodiversity on the globe. [...] Especially the dramatic rise of coal and gas in the electricity mix (mak- ing up 56 % and 21 % of the share respectively) and the 93 % fossil fuel domination in the transport sector (being the second largest contributor to energy emissions after the electricity sector) show the clear dominance of fossil-fuel based technology in Indonesia’s energy mix.


Germanwatch e.V.

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