

9 Feb 2021

generated great transformations in the landscape, the national information.context appears to have been profoundly transformed composition of its population and its future prospects, in these few short years, with the fundamental PNAs in Amazonia operate in different putting the maintenance of the natural and cultural To achieve this, it was necessary to define common rights of nature, of indigeno. [...] It is impossible joined together, ranging from the oldest (the to understand contemporary Amazonia without Precambrian period) in the north, the Tertiary in the considering the rapid process of urbanization that west, and the Quaternary (the most recent) along has occurred in recent decades and which has also the rivers of its central and southern areas. [...] NUMBER AND AREA OF MINING AREAS BY COUNTRY IN AMAZONIA whose main oil reserves are in the north of The increase in the price of gold in the international Amazonia, showed an increase from 3,319 km² market in recent years has encouraged the Area of mining areas under oil activity in the Amazon region in 2012 to expansion of this extractive activity, although Country Number of areas 12,137 km² in 20. [...] DISTRIBUTION OF THE AREA OF MINING While Bolivia, Venezuela and Ecuador increased AREAS IN AMAZONIA, BY PHASE OF ACTIVITY the number and size of areas under some phase of mining activity, Colombia, Brasil, and Perú moved in the opposite direction. [...] This expansion is mainly caused by banana plantations, borders of the Google Earth Engine platform and processed land redistribution and the advance of agricultural the WaiWai Indigenous Land, entirely in the cloud.6 near the Anauá River, Roraima, activity generated by the private sector and the non- Brasil.
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