cover image: The Application of Computer Technology to Education Diagnosis.

The Application of Computer Technology to Education Diagnosis.

Effective instructional organization and sequences cannot be generated without analyzing and interpreting diagnostic information. Currently the teacher is required to provide the analysis and interpretation as well as the instruction. Class loads and time limitations preclude anything other than the cursory examination of data. In order to facilitate effectiveness and efficiency, a computer can assume the analysis function and free the teacher for careful interpretation and competent instruction. The utilization of a computer in educational diagnosis involves (1) identifying information categories requisite to educational diagnosis, (2) specifying category variables, (3) selecting instruments for obtaining data, (4) organizing files for data storage and retrieval, (5) developing a library of computer programs based on anticipated diagnostic procedures, (6) specifying data presentation format, and (7) translating the data into instructional sequences. Two exhibits of the application of computer technology to educational diagnosis are described and illustrated. Data tables are included. (BS)


Plattor, Emma E., Woestehoff, Ellsworth S.

Peer Reviewed
Published in
United States of America

Table of Contents