cover image: Rural Research Report T - 1.0 Market Segmentation


Rural Research Report T - 1.0 Market Segmentation

13 Nov 2019

The awareness-attitude segmentation overcomes the limitations of behavioral segmentation, it measures residents’ awareness of and attitude towards carpooling thus enabling one to assess the response Editorial Board potential for carpooling in the community. [...] addition, the longer the travel time to work, the larger is the likelihood of carpooling. [...] This finding reinforces the conclusions of a recent MRI study that the Midwest region lags behind the west and the southern states in carpooling intensity: while 43% of the adults in the West and 30% in the South carpool on an average weekday, only 16% of the adults in the Midwest carpool (MRI, Product: Automotive Miscellaneous). [...] In spite of the low numbers, carpooling reduced fossil-fuel consumption in the region to a tune of 33, 851 gallons Of the 10 demographic variables per weekday (Figure 1). [...] To lessen the impact for the need for “flexibility in travel”, it is suggested that A basic requirement for any advertising the target audiences be reminded of campaign is the definition of target carpooling’s positive attributes such as audiences for the campaign and relaxation get-work-done while travelling, assessment of target-audience leverage help the environment, share vehicle (Rossiter and.
Published in
United States of America
