cover image: Australia-and-the-emerging-nuclear-order-in-Northeast-Asia


5 Aug 2024

Australia and the emerging nuclear order in Northeast Asia 3 The changing regional threat environment The China threat and Japan US-led response can be mounted.5 This assessment was reflected in the 2023 final report of the Con- gressional Commission on the Strategic Posture The first vector of the regional Chinese threat is con- of the United States (US Strategic Posture Review), ventional. [...] South Korea remains heavily invested in pyropro- Further, in July 2022, the South Korean Ministry of cessing, with Korea’s Nuclear Energy Promotion National Defence announced the establishment of Commission in 2021 committing to continued a new “strategic command” under the direction of R&D and consideration of the commercialisation the Joint Chiefs of Staff to coordinate South Korea’s of pyroproc. [...] This has the potential to offset the United States’ deteriorating balance In this second nuclear order, Washington, Tokyo, of conventional power as China in particular will and Seoul, conscious of the deteriorating balance of be disincentivised from pressing a conventional regional power and the attendant risks of Chinese advantage too hard for fear that the United States, and North Korean attempt. [...] At the same time, Australia and the emerging nuclear order in Northeast Asia 15 Prospects for change in the regional nuclear order Each nuclear order discussed above represents a US nuclear superiority coherent response by Japan, South Korea, and the United States to the interconnected challenges of growing threats from China and North Korea; ques- The terms ‘nuclear superiority’ and ‘nuclear infe. [...] The second is nuclear sharing, Australia from projecting power northward, com- in which the US redeploys TNWs to Japanese and/ promising the Australian ability to contribute to or South Korean territory to bolster deterrence regional deterrence and a favourable balance of against Chinese and North Korean attempts to regional power, and deny adversaries the space to alter the status quo, strengthen.
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