cover image: 202 - ERF W 4 P s - A Comprehensive Analysis of The Dynamic Space-Time Impacts

202 - ERF W 4 P s - A Comprehensive Analysis of The Dynamic Space-Time Impacts

13 Aug 2024

To evaluate the effects of changes in climate on poverty, the maximum temperature anomalies in winter and summer as well as the precipitation anomaly for the year prior to the HEICS are computed as standardized deviations from the historical averages over the period 1950-2020. [...] Panel (d) also depicts the distribution of the maximum summer temperature anomalies relative to the average maximum summer temperatures in the period 1950-2020, highlighting higher deviations in Greater Cairo and east of the Delta in addition to Aswan in the south of Egypt. [...] In the above model, 𝛽𝛽1(𝑑𝑑),𝛽𝛽2(𝑑𝑑) and 𝛽𝛽3(𝑑𝑑) are the functional regression coefficients measuring the cumulative effects of the climate variables’ profiles on poverty and 𝛾𝛾𝑗𝑗 are the coefficients of the scalar explanatory variables in the model. [...] The climatological variables include the average maximum temperature and total precipitation in the year prior to the HEICS, in addition to the maximum summer and winter temperatures and total precipitation anomalies in the same year relative to the historical averages. [...] A Scatter Plot of the Observed Poverty Rates vs the Corresponding Fitted Values from the Functional Linear Model Before fitting the designated GWR model, the bandwidth defining the scale of variability of the different relationships in the model is selected based on AIC, as explained in the methodology section.


Amira Elayouty

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