cover image: EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - Place-based drivers and effective management of population growth

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY - Place-based drivers and effective management of population growth

20 Aug 2024

However, efforts to maintain housing and rental affordability and liveability need to be implemented urgently in non-metropolitan Australia to maintain ‘cheaper housing’ and ‘different lifestyle’ as pull factors, and limit the impact of population growth on communities and local housing markets. [...] Limiting short-term rental accommodation (STRA), providing state and federal government support to build appropriate social and affordable housing, and increasing or attracting trade workers/building inspectors to aid housing construction are potential policy solutions, as well as upgrading and developing air, road and rail services, and health and education infrastructure and services. [...] This study is part of a wider AHURI Inquiry into projecting Australia’s urban and regional futures that aims to investigate the population dynamics and regional mobility trends impacting regional and urban Australia and planning and policy responses. [...] Managing population change: interviews with local government and economic development stakeholders 4.1 Challenges related to population change 4.1.1 Infrastructure 4.1.2 Facilities and services 4.1.3 Housing and planning 4.1.4 Key worker attraction and retention 4.2 Solutions to managing population change 4.2.1 Infrastructure and service upgrades 4.2.2 Housing and planning solutions 4.2.3 Upskilli. [...] Conclusions and policy development options for non-metropolitan Australia 5.1 How can regional pull factors be strengthened and push factors be addressed? 5.1.1 Employment, jobs growth and economic development 5.1.2 Promoting and maintaining place-specific lifestyle and amenity attributes 5.1.3 Enhancing local infrastructure and services 5.1.4 Increasing housing and rental stock and diversity, and.
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