cover image: POLICY EVIDENCE SUMMARY August 2024 - Regional city populations change due to locally-specific

POLICY EVIDENCE SUMMARY August 2024 - Regional city populations change due to locally-specific

6 Aug 2024

425: Place-based drivers and effective management of population growth and change in regional Australia What this research is about This research examines the factors that may be specific to a place (place-based factors) that influence people moving to and from Australian regional urban areas, and considers policy solutions for managing the impacts of this change. [...] The context of this research Connectivity leads to growth in Governments are interested in encouraging migration regional cities to regional areas, both to take the ‘pressure’ off major Growth is positively related to connectivity, such as by cities and to foster sustainable growth in regional areas. [...] This is associated with greater access Overall personal, lifestyle and employment reasons were to business services and supplies in large cities and stated most often as key factors in research respondents’ to specialised city facilities and consumer services for decisions to move. [...] Policy Evidence Summary 4 Population growth requires Growth areas need diversified Government working together with employment and educational industry and private sector opportunities Whole of government coordination, including the different The growth and focus on key industries for a local area tiers of government (local, state and federal) and across needs to be matched with coordinated effort. [...] ‘Increased funding and Preparing for natural disasters builds support from state and federal community growth governments for housing, Preparing for the impact of climate change and natural infrastructure upgrades and disasters simultaneously builds community and population resilience.
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