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Research Report - Special Economic Zones in Pakistan: Promises and Perils

7 May 2020

Where the acquisition of land is necessary for the development of SEZs, such as in Bangladesh and the Philippines, specific authorities have the responsibility to provide land: the Bangladesh Economic Zones Authority and the Philippines Economic Zone Authority. [...] Weak institutional framework and planning: In the case of Africa, the major reasons for the failure of SEZs were outdated planning and institutional frameworks, shoddy business environments (high cost of business, complicated registration and licensing process), inadequate provision of infrastructure and amenities to investors, insufficient expertise and managerial skills of SEZ developers, and la. [...] The 146 HIDZs use the technological capacity and resources of research institutes, universities, and large and medium enterprises to develop new and high-tech products and expedite the commercialization of research and development. [...] 3.4.1 SEZs and Economic Growth and Development The literature generally agrees that the combination of favorable polices and the conducive mix of production factors in Chinese SEZs have resulted in high rates of economic growth in the country (Alder, 2013; Liu and Zhao, 2015; Wang, 2013). [...] 3.4.2 SEZs and Foreign Direct Investment FDI from China’s early SEZs soared in the wake of the country’s opening of the economy: in 1981, the four zones accounted for 59.8 percent of the total FDI in China, with Shenzhen accounting for the lion’s share at 50.6 percent.
research report, special, economic, zones, pakistan, promises, perils, pide,econ


Iftikhar Ahmad PIDE, Zhou Taidong Centre for International Knowledge on Development, China

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