cover image: Your Health Unlocked Podcast Episode 40

Your Health Unlocked Podcast Episode 40


Can you imagine the frustration of doctors and patients in there trying to figure out what this foreign tissue is over here? [...] 0:07:17 - Shannon CohnYeah it needs to be refunded, but yeah um, it's true, and I learned in talking, for example, with Dr Greg Gonzales who's amazing, by the way, and you should have him on this program sometime. [...] 0:10:41 - Shannon Cohn Yeah, I mean I think that, as we understand that there is a stigma around periods and menstruation, historically and around the world you know, and kind of a reluctance to talk about things like that, I mean I did present with symptoms at 16 of debilitating periods and 0:11:00 - Adele Scheiber Is that? [...] a common symptom of endometriosis? 0:11:03 - Shannon Cohn It is a very, it's not the only symptom and not everyone has it, but it is one of the most common symptoms. Debilitating periods, I mean I think many women girls and women have, like they have cramps, you know. [...] What I guess surprises me, and what surprises a lot of our listeners, is that when you get to a medical provider, there's still this stigma, right, and this diagnostic delay. [...] I mean I think that the Uro-Gynecologist you talked to is absolutely right and surgeons for endometriosis should be, it should be a priority that they're reimbursed at a higher rate. [...] I mean imaging can definitely, an MRI, for example, can definitely if you have a large endometrioma, like a large cyst on your ovary, where it can certainly lend to the fact that this is an endometrium and you likely have endometriosis elsewhere. [...] So, you know that's in this field, you know, a urogynecologist, somebody who focuses on this kind of thing, is probably what you want to look for if you really suspect endometriosis. But let's talk about the diagnosed delay, right, and part of that delay, as I understand it and you know, correct me if I'm wrong but it's the fact that it's very painful, right, endometriosis is quite painful a l [...] I'm not special in this. 0:20:39 - Adele Scheiber Like every every day.0:20:40 - Shannon Cohn There's so many people navigating this and trying to do everything and be everything that women are trying to do these days, you know be everything to everyone, and it is just almost impossible when you're living with a disease like this and not being properly treated. [...] And this is your chance to plug in literally anything.0:31:42 - Shannon Cohn No, I mean, I'm honestly, I would say come to, that's the website and learn about different ways that maybe you could bring the work or the film or the message to your community, whether it's professional or personal, and because we all need to be having these conversations, you know, on a really br
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