cover image: TOOLKIT ACT - Mapping community services and facilities


TOOLKIT ACT - Mapping community services and facilities

2 Dec 2019

are they run in a family-centred way?) How well used are these services and facilities? • Are they well used by all sections of the community or only by some? • Do they reach the more marginalised people? • What factors could make these services and facilities better used by the community, especially marginalised people (e.g. [...] could cost or change in environment help?) How well integrated are the services? • Are the formal services linked/integrated with one another? • Are the formal services and informal community services linked/integrated? • Are any of the services co-located or are they all in separate locations? What works well in this community? • What are the strengths that you see in this community? • Who has th. [...] Complete the following table from one of these perspectives: • How easy is it to access the following services and facilities from where you live now? • How easy was it to access the following services and facilities when you had young children (if you lived somewhere different then)? Tick the column that applies to each service or facility. [...] Platforms Resource | Mapping community services and facilities | 2019 3 PLATFORMS RESOURCE ACT Mapping the family-friendliness of services and facilities Use the questions below to help understand how easily people are able to engage with local services and facilities. [...] To help answer this, it is important to look at who controls the process – families or professionals? Inducting new families • Who makes the referral? The parent or a professional? • Where is contact made with the family? At a venue chosen by the parent or by the professionals? • Who introduces the service to the family? A professional or another parent? • Who determines the agenda in the initial.
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