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TIP SHEET - Qualitative data analysis LEARN

2 Dec 2019

PLATFORMS RESOURCE TIP SHEET Qualitative data analysis LEARN This tip sheet describes the types of qualitative data and outlines ways you can collect and use it. [...] Noticing, collecting, thinking model (Seidel, 1998) PLATFORMS RESOURCE LEARN Data collection (collecting things) When collecting qualitative data, it can be useful to consider the following questions as a partnership group: • What methods are most appropriate for collecting qualitative information and who is best to do it? • What are the benefits and potential risks of each method? • How can we en. [...] There are two types of content analysis: descriptive (what is the data?) and interpretive (what does the data mean?) Narrative analysis involves analysing the narrative of an interview or observation. [...] Interpreting emerging themes (thinking about things) When interpreting qualitative data, the following are some additional points to consider: • What themes emerge from the data? • How might we summarise these? • What is the main message? • What relevant context should be included? • Does the content represent individual or group ideas? • Does the content represent actual or hypothetical experienc. [...] • How can the data collected be presented back to all community stakeholders to help it make sense/lead to priorities for action? • What are the next steps or priorities for action? If your group requires additional support in analysing your qualitative data, consider reaching out through your networks to find a suitable expert.
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