ERIA Research Project Report FY2024, No. 12
- Pages
- 22
- Published in
- Indonesia
Table of Contents
- Suharyati 1
- National Energy Council Indonesia 1
- 1. Basic Concept of Low-carbon Energy TransitionCarbon Neutrality 1
- 2. Indonesian Regulations to Support Net-zero Emissions Target 2
- Sector 2015 2016 2020 2025 2
- Micro Enterprises Fisheries Enterprises Agricultural Enterprises Transport and Public Services PSO 2
- 15 20 30 30 2
- Transport Non PSO 15 20 30 30 2
- Industrial and Commercial 15 20 30 30 2
- Power Generation 25 30 30 30 2
- Sector 2015 2016 2020 2025 3
- Micro Enterprises Fisheries Enterprises Agricultural Enterprises Transport and Public Services PSO 3
- 1 2 5 20 3
- Transport Non PSO 2 5 10 20 3
- Industrial and Commercial 2 5 10 20 3
- 3. Final Energy Consumption 6
- 4. Power Generation 9
- 5. Primary Energy Supply 11
- 100 11
- 200 11
- 300 11
- 400 11
- 500 11
- 600 11
- 1990 2000 2019 2020 2030 2040 2050 11
- Mtoe 11
- Others 11
- Geothermal 11
- Hydro 11
- Nuclear 11
- Natural gas 11
- Oil 11
- Coal 11
- 6. Carbon Dioxide Emissions 12
- 7. Cost Benefit Analysis 15
- 20192020 2050 2019 constant price 15
- Coal 80.03 USton 98 USton 15
- Oil 41 USbbl 100 USbbl 15
- Gas 7.77 USMMBtu 7.5 USMMBtu 15
- Hydrogen 0.8 USNm 0.3 USNm 15
- 8. Conclusion and Recommendations 20
- Indonesia Long-Term Strategy for Low Carbon and Climate Resilience 2050. 22
- Rencana Usaha Penyediaan Tenaga Listrik RUPTL PT PLN PERSERO 2021- 2030. 22